
Exhibit Rentals Raleigh-Durham

Rental Trade Show Exhibits & Displays

Time, cost savings and flexibility are key benefits to renting an exhibit. Renting an exhibit is a cost-effective alternative and provides the opportunity to “try before you buy,” so you can evaluate what works best for your event and exhibiting needs. We offer customized rental solutions and a collection of rental off-the-shelf exhibit kits and accessories to help you achieve your face-to-face marketing goals.

How It Works

  • Choose an exhibit kit, accessory or structure desired for the event
  • Dress with purchased graphics
  • Enhance with rental accessories such as counters, hanging structures & more
  • Use the rented items at your next event
  • Return the rented items once the show is completed

We Offer Free Consultations To Find The Perfect Exhibit For Your Event. Call Today! (910) 292-2202

What Our Clients Are Saying

“We worked with Dimensional Exhibits to create a family of displays that can be mixed and matched to be used together or separately at our events based on our needs and available venue space. The professional look of these displays create the perfect backdrop for our events, allowing us to easily brand our institution. The banner stands, mural display, and storage case with graphic are all made of high quality materials and fabrics, and the staff has been very responsive to our needs, addressing any questions or concerns promptly and professionally.”

– Christine B, University at Albany

“We have truly enjoyed working with Jim and his team at Dimensional Exhibits for several years. When we needed to design a new exhibit, their team captured the creative vision we wanted to present and brought it to life. From design to implementation, working with their team has been super easy. They understand the importance of pairing creativity with flawless execution. Their professional approach and the personalized service we receive continues to exceed our expectations.”

– Ted Curtin, LMCA

Our Special Offer

Summer Savings of 10% off all new Exhibit Purchases